Detailing Clay: Why You Should Include It as Part of Your Exterior Maintenance
Whether you buy a brand new car right off the lot or you buy a good quality used car, it's a good idea to include detailing clay as part of your exterior maintenance.
One of the most innovative and effective DIY products on the market, detailing clay is still overlooked by car enthusiasts and detailers alike.
Invented in 1980 in Japan, this essential maintenance tool is a paint cleaning system that safely and effectively removes surface contaminants that have bonded to the vehicle.
You know the stuff we're talking about. It stays put even after you wash the car! And it's highly aggravating.
We know that the claying process sounds kind of strange, but it's really very effective. Best of all, it's quick, easy, and very safe. But does your car need it? Read on to learn more.
Should You Clay Your Car?
If you just bought a new car, you might not think you need detailing clay. However, it's really not about age because contamination is constantly occurring.
Your new car has already been subjected to several environments before it reached your home:
• The factory
• Sitting on a lot waiting for truck, ship, or train transport
• The transport itself
• The dealer's lot
The good news is you probably don't need a lot of detailing clay, but to protect your investment, it's a very good idea to give it the once over. But don't take our word for it. Take the test!
Here's the Surface Contamination Test
Surface contamination that can leave your paint feeling rough also makes the paint prone to oxidation as well as premature aging.
Here are the main offenders of bonded surface contamination:
• Industrial pollution
• Road grime
• Bug splatter
• Paint overspray
• Pollen
• Rail dust
• Brake dust
• Tree sap and tar
• Other airborne contaminants looking for a home on your vehicle
To be sure that your vehicle needs detailing clay, here's what you do.
• Wash the car-You want the surface nice and clean.
• Run the back of your hand along the car's surface to find obvious contamination. Sometimes, you can feel the bonded gunk right away.
• If you don't feel anything, take a plastic baggie and slide it over your hand. Then run the bag over the area that you just felt using your bare hand.
Feel a difference? That's because the plastic bag amps up the surface contamination of your vehicle.
Even if you don't feel a lot of contamination, it's still a good idea to remove it. You don't want that stuff damaging your paint.
How Clay Detailing Works
As you already know, you can't wash or polish off bonded contamination. The stuff just won't budge!
Using a clay lubricant removes the bonded material but it doesn't stick to the paint! And yes, it is abrasive, but it won't harm the paint because it's abrasive only to the contamination.
For detailing clay to work, you will need a detail spray or a clay lubricant. Some more well-known brands are: Blackfire Clay lubricant, Pinnacle Clay lubricant, and Meguiar's M34 Final inspection.
Any of these products will help the clay to glide across the paint. Remember to keep the surface and the clay well-lubricated with the detailing clay lubricant.
Pointers for Clay Detailing
• Work in a shaded area. You want the surface of your vehicle to be as cool as possible. A warm or hot surface will make the clay stick to the paint. Effectiveness is reduced.
• Wash and thoroughly dry your vehicle.
• Cut the clay in quarters or halves. Press it into a round, flat wafer.
• Spray detail clay lubricant on an area approximately 2' x 2.'
• Use light pressure so that the clay glides along the surface. (It might grab at first.)
• Wipe the clay off with a quality microfiber towel.
The area should feel smooth and slick. Continue this process over the entire car. Once you've finished, you're now ready to wax.
Waxing will help remove swirl marks, scratches, and oxidation, and that means your vehicle's paint will last much longer. And it will look great!
Looking for a new or quality used car, truck, or SUV? Stop by Joe Bowman Auto Plaza. Or, visit us online. We'll help you find the vehicle that suits your lifestyle!