Winter Maintenance Checklist: Is Your Vehicle Ready?
Hard to believe but Old Man Winter will be rearing his blustery head before too long! Is your vehicle ready?
Winters here in the East can be brutal so it's best to be proactive and get ready for all that the season throws at us.
Here are our suggestions for preparing your vehicle for the cold months ahead.
Protect the Exterior
If you haven't cleaned away summer's buildup, now's the time for a clean slate. Then apply a good quality car wax to help protect against winter's oncoming assaults, not to mention road salt.
Oil Change
If it makes sense for your vehicle, consider switching to a synthetic oil. For winter temperatures, it's easier on your engine because it flows freer at lower temperatures.
There's also the added advantage that the vehicle won't need any time to warm up. If switching to a synthetic isn't right for your car, you may consider a synthetic blend.
These oils are mixed with naturally occurring car oil. Whatever you do, check with your mechanic or your vehicle manufacturer to get the right recommendation.
Battery Maintenance
There's no doubt about it, summer takes its toll on your car battery. When the first really cold morning hits, that's when you may find its weakness. The car won't start because of a dead battery.
We recommend testing your battery and your charging system. Go ahead and replace it if it's weak. You'll be glad you did on a cold, wintry morning.
A fresh battery is your best defense against Old Man Winter.
We've written before about the under rated importance of good windshield wipers. But, we'll say it again.
Check those wiper blades and replace, if needed. There's no need to court an accident because you can't see!
Be sure to fill your windshield washer well with deicing fluid as well. It's another added precaution for safe visibility on the road.
Inspect them! You're going to need good traction when snow and ice hit. If the treads don't have enough depth, don't risk it! Get another set.
Depending on the area in which you live, it may be wise to invest in snow tires. Remember, for every 10-degree drop in your tires air pressure, it's estimated that tire pressure reduces by one pound.
Under inflated tires are a bad investment because they wear out faster, decrease fuel economy, and they can impair traction and handling.
Keeping your tires at the right inflation makes good dollars and sense.
Get an anti-freeze tester to measure the strength of your anti-freeze. Or, simply take your car to your mechanic.
This valuable test will tell you the lowest ambient temperature to which your vehicle is protected from freezing temperatures.
Additionally, what's your coolant reservoir level look like? Make sure it's properly filled.
Fuel Injectors
Cold weather can cause performance issues with your vehicle's fuel system. Cleaning those injectors will prevent some problems.
Add the cleaner to the gas tank during a routine fill up. If you've had problems with poor power, rough idling and hard starts, this will help!
Lock De-Icers
Inexpensive and a lifesaver, lock de-icers help to thaw and lubricate door locks while preventing damage.
Radiator Cap and Thermostat
A leaking radiator cap can cause your engine to overheat and anti-freeze to leak. Not good for winter driving!
Take a quick look at this inexpensive but important car part. If it's several years old, replace it. It will be the best $5 you've spent for a little peace of mind.
Also inexpensive is the thermostat. Yet, it's vital to maintaining your vehicle's heating and cooling system.
If coolant hasn't been changed regularly, corrosion can set in, and that can cause your thermostat to fail.
Put the odds on your side and replace the thermostat. Winter is hard enough. Might as well make sure you've got a warm interior throughout the season!
Turn to the service department at Joe Bowman Auto Plaza for all your car maintenance and repairs. Our certified Chevy technicians are trained to work on all kinds of cars, trucks, and SUV's. We do it every day!